To celebrate this, staff of the SC Campaign will travel the state as part of our 3rd Annual Road Show from May 3 – May 20 in an effort to inform South Carolinians about the issue of teen pregnancy and how they can get involved in prevention efforts. We hope to see you when we come to a town near you. As our schedule stands right now, we will visit the following counties:
1. Marlboro
2. Richland
3. Horry
4. Florence
5. Berkeley
6. Barnwell
7. Spartanburg
8. Newberry
9. Anderson
10. Pickens
11. Greenville
12. Kershaw
13. Chesterfield
14. Charleston
15. Beaufort
16. Hampton
17. Colleton
Our list of 55+ events include 17 media appearances, 7 youth events, 5 fundraisers, 2-3 volunteer opportunities, 3 legislative meetings, 6 Parent/Child Communication workshops, and many other public awareness opportunities including community forums in both Spartanburg and Horry counties. Stay tuned to all of our travels via our website, (events will posted on our online calendar) and through our Facebook Page –
Special thanks to SC Department of Health and Environmental Control and First Citizens Banks for making the Road Show possible.
by: Cayci Banks, Director of Communications, SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
contact Cayci:
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