Before I get into my blog post about Dr. Martin (Michael)
Luther King Jr., I'd like to acknowledge
the countless others who were a vital part of the advancement of civil rights.
Ruby Bridges, Dredd Scott, and James Meredith are just a few notable names who
made contributions in the fight for equality.

Fast forward to our present day. There's an on-going argument as to whether his Dream has come to pass or not. I'll keep my opinion on that to myself. What I will speak on is how selfless he was. I shudder to think of how different things could be if he had been a selfish man. I remember when the slogan, “ Not a day off, but a day on” became popular. Everyday, Dr. King was on. Everyday, not only on his birthday, but EVERYDAY, he got up and made choices, knowing that there were people whose sole purpose were to make his wife a widow and his children orphans.
Unfortunately, one Spring afternoon in 1968, someone
succeeded at that cowardly aim. Though I never had the opportunity to meet Dr.
King,; I ( along with my college sorority sisters) had the honor of briefly
meeting his gracious wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King. In her speech, she charged
us to be ashamed to die before we had done something for humanity. Those words
have played over and over in my head for the last ten years.

So, with all of that being said, what will you do with your day off?
by Meredith Talford, Upstate Technical Assistance Specialist, SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
by Meredith Talford, Upstate Technical Assistance Specialist, SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
what a worth article to read. i'll recommend this to all of my friends to read this.