Monday, March 10, 2014

So, Do You Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?

Some people often wonder who other people are dating and sometimes may offend others when they ask the big questions, “So, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” These questions are always asked assuming everyone in the world is heterosexual. When people do not have the stereotypical looks and mannerisms of someone that is not homosexual they are oftentimes put into the heterosexual category. Alternately, people may have the looks and mannerisms of someone that is not heterosexual is often put into the homosexual category.

Instead of making each other feel bad there is a new term that everyone should develop in their vocabulary for the times they have to ask the burning question, “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?”  Al Vernacchio, a TED Talker, has come up with the perfect term that already exists, "sweetheart."  It’s a very relaxed term that does not offend because a sweetheart can be a girl or a guy.  The next time you ask, just remember, “Do you have a sweetheart?” sounds much better, and sweeter.

Here’s Al Vernacchio’s video giving this new term to kids at a TED Talk.

by Edwina Mack, USC Master of Social Work Field Placement Student, SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

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